The high strength, high modulus, and high-temperature resistance characteristics of aramid fiber itself give veil and molded resin parts more excellent friction resistance and surface toughness.


Aramid paper is a type of material made from aramid fibers, which are synthetic fibers known for their exceptional strength and heat resistance. Aramid fibers, such as Kevlar® and Nomex®, are composed of long-chain polyamides that exhibit high tensile strength, resistance to abrasion, and good thermal stability.

Aramid paper is produced by processing aramid fibers into a thin, flexible sheet or paper-like form. The manufacturing process typically involves dissolving the aramid fibers in a solvent, forming a slurry, and then removing the solvent to create a solid sheet. The resulting aramid paper retains the remarkable properties of aramid fibers, including high tensile strength, excellent thermal stability, and resistance to wear and tear.

Due to its exceptional properties, aramid paper finds application in various industries. It is commonly used as an electrical insulator in transformers, motors, and generators due to its high dielectric strength and resistance to heat. Aramid paper is also used in gasket materials, protective clothing, filtration systems, and other applications that require a combination of strength, heat resistance, and insulation.

Overall, aramid paper offers a lightweight and flexible solution with excellent thermal and mechanical properties, making it a valuable material in diverse industries.